Research and Planning/Hand in Folder: November 4th

Finished Music Video: December 16th

Finished Website/CD Cover/Evaluation/Blog:13th January

Thursday 13 January 2011

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

To gather audience feedback I gave a presentation to my class to describe what I was going to do and how, after I made my video I asked a person in my class to fill out an evaluation sheet. The issues raised in the presentation were that it may be too complicated. I solves this by adding titles to explain what is happening. Another issue raised was a part in the story where a woman hits a man over the head with a frying pan, there was a cocern this could cause humour where it was not intended. I then swapped the frying pan for a rolling pin; however the humour was still created. When looking at the finished product I decided it added character to the video and kept the shot. Another question raised was 'who are you going to gwet to play Florence? As they have to be confident.' I asked a friend of mine who is a dancer and has performed in numerous shows in London and around the country to play Florence. She is extremley confident and energetic. She also has red hair like Florence.

I agreed with all the audience feedback as the main problem during the process was the complication of the plot and if I were to do it again I would rethink the story and go with a much simpler idea. The final evaluation included comments such as 'The shots of Florence in a sureal land matches her image, it is chic. The mise-en-scene, clothes and makeup also matched this.' It was overall a very pleasing evaluation and the only critism was lighting toward the end in the narrative scenes was non existant and it was hard to see what was happening, i agreed with this and would change it had I had to do it again.

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