Research and Planning/Hand in Folder: November 4th

Finished Music Video: December 16th

Finished Website/CD Cover/Evaluation/Blog:13th January

Thursday 13 January 2011

Final CD Digipack-your bags

Thank goodness the CD digipack is over.

Using three pictures I took on the day of my performance shoot. Two of Hollie as Florence on the front cover and on the inside and then one of the infamous tree she danced infront of decorated and in all its glory. The front cover clearly states the artist and the back cover gives the name of the song. The inside cover, where the CD is however, I felt needed to be a little diffrence, with a nod of the hat to the Killers album where that part of their cover says 'This is dedicated to our fans' I had a black background, white font and the words 'Tweet, tweet, tweet.' I thought it was a nice reference to a very effective part of the song, and one of my favourite lyrics. As it is completley up to the listener to decide what Florence means by it. Is it metaphorical? etc.

Hope the examiners enjoy it anyway.

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