Research and Planning/Hand in Folder: November 4th

Finished Music Video: December 16th

Finished Website/CD Cover/Evaluation/Blog:13th January

Thursday 4 November 2010

Pitch Feedback

The group who I pitched to, wrote short comments about what they thought of the pitch, song choice and video. They also gave constructive critisism to help me think about possible problems.

Q+A of feedback
Q. Who are you going to get to play Florence? As they have to be confident.
A. A friend of mine who is a dancer and has performed in numourous shows in London and around the country is going to play Florence in the narrative scenes. She is extremley confident and energetic. She also has red hair like Florence.
Q. How will you bury the body effectively?
A. I am going to film the first time the Woman puts the spade in the ground, then I am only going to use Close up shots of her face and Mid shots to show that she is still digging when actually she is not. The video is then going to cut to the man returning home with the woman stood facing him as he opens the door. She is muddy and it will be clear she has succesfully buried the body.
Q. Wouldn't you bury the body straight away? As opposed to burying it when the husband comes home?
A. Yes, normally you would but in this case the woman is suffering from shock therefore she leaves the body and runs to her room where she falls asleep accidentally (lying on the bed trying to think of what to do and she drifts off) until she wakes up and she has been asleep for hours.

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