Research and Planning/Hand in Folder: November 4th

Finished Music Video: December 16th

Finished Website/CD Cover/Evaluation/Blog:13th January

Tuesday 23 November 2010

Narrative Footage Evaluation

Have you framed your shots appropriately?

I have tried to make sure that all shots are framed to include everything that is important. The first few shots of the man include him and the house to show his intentions.

When the woman comes out to meet him, the frame includes the house number and window of the room which they go to, the door where the woman stands is on the left hand side of the screen which allows the man to enter from the right and come into the frame effectively.

When the couple are inside the house the shots continue the rule of 180 degrees to keep a naturalistic flow. The couple are on the left hand side of the screen and the room they are going into is on the right, this shows the audience a quick preview of where they will later be to help it make sense and not introduce a new room.

The shot where the woman is finding the weapon includes the her arm and hand to show us she is looking for something, we see the entire contents of the drawer to make it clear to the audience what she is about to do.

The shot of the kitchen where the woman walks to the man with the weapon is an over the shoulder shot, it clearly shows the average kitchen wall with notes and trinkets on a shelf, but also shows the door on the right hand side of the screen where the action is happening.

The shot where the woman hits the man is a long shot, the action is happening in the middle of the screen and both the doors to the dining room are open, this creates symmetry and keeps the audience’s attention on what is happening.

The bedroom scene is similar to this as the bed is in the middle of the shot to focus the audience’s attention, there is a lamp one side of the bed and a clock the other, these are both important to the frame as lighting and props.

The restaurant scene is shot from the end of the table to clearly see both the characters and concentrate on what they are doing, when holding hands the focus is on the middle of the screen, which is where their hands are rather than the characters themselves the attention should be on the actions as this is important to the plot.

Outside during the burial scene all the action is taking place in the middle of the screen due to the low lighting the audience need to clearly know what is going on.

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