Research and Planning/Hand in Folder: November 4th

Finished Music Video: December 16th

Finished Website/CD Cover/Evaluation/Blog:13th January

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Production schedule

These sheets include contact numbers and the production schedule and checklist to keep organized.

Designing CD Digipack and Website

This is a rough, first draft, design for my folder of my CD digi pack and Website.
First thoughts and details have been included in the sketches, hopefully to be improved on when actually designing the real thing, these are mainly brainstorms and a development of ideas.

Test shots

Here are the test shots of the four characters.
Hollie Dorman,
Asher Williams,
Joshua Butler and
Laura Simpson

These are the narrative performers and Hollie plays Florence.
For reasons such as; she is a professional dancer and has red hair similar to the artist.

All actors chosen have had previous experience in drama and acting roles.
These shots include what make-up and costume will be used for the individual characters. This also includes the permission sheet that the actors filled to give permission to be filmed etc.

Recee sheet for Garden

This is the recee sheet for the garden which backs onto the house, therefore permission enclosed with previous post is applicable to garden also.
This is where the burial scene takes place which is probably the most focal point of the narration side of the video.
The lighting is difficult as we want it to be as naturalistic as possible but also being clear what is happening.

Recee sheet for House

This is the Recee sheet for the house in which the entire narrative is set.
It is a large, modern house on a private road which is appropriate for the characters that live in it.
Included is also permission from the home owner to film.
Scenes in this include:
The rolling pin scene

Recee sheet for Restaurant

Here is te recee sheet for the setting of the restaurant.
It is set in my conservatory therefore no permission is needed.
This scene is the flashback/dream of the main character.
It is also the setting for where the dream is taking place (in her bedroom) which is a bedroom in my house.

Group commitments

Here is a list of the groups commitments, keeping this on file helps to organize shoots etc.
Saturdays and Sundays are impossible to do as work and out of college commitments get in the way, therefore all filming for performance will have to be done in weekdays.

Picture Story board

Here are the two sheets with the most focal points of the music video in the narrative and performance scenes drawn out to demonstrate the image I am going for.