Research and Planning/Hand in Folder: November 4th

Finished Music Video: December 16th

Finished Website/CD Cover/Evaluation/Blog:13th January

Friday 15 October 2010


My music video will have two elements, Narrative and Performance.
Here is a brief overview of the plot.
Outside the house. Music has not started. We see Woman and Man1 exit. Woman kisses Man1 on the cheek. He leaves and walks down the street and Woman shuts the door. Music starts. Man2 passes Man1 on the street. Man2 stands outside the house and shouts that Woman is a cheat. Woman opens the door and shouts him inside.
Inside the house. They are arguing, the argument becomes more and more heated until Woman hits Man2 with a household object around the head. Man2 falls on the floor and is dead.
Bedroom. Woman is asleep but very restless cuts to a flashback.
Flashback. Woman and Man2 are at a restaurant laughing and holding hands. The cheque is put on their table, Man2 puts notes down, the two walk to the door still holding hands, laughing and flirting.
Bedroom. Woman wakes up, looks at the time and runs out of the room.
Living room. Woman grabs body and drags it outside, she gets a spade and begins to dig to bury the body.
Cuts between husband walking home and woman digging.
Outisde the house. Husband opens the door, woman is stood there with muddy hands.

Step Outline

Here is my step outline for Bird Song

It states the times that the lines are sung and intrumental breaks.

It also details what is going to be happening at these times.

Tuesday 12 October 2010

Research & Idea Development

When developing an idea for my video I considered several points, I have included a mind map which shows this is detail. To aid my development I researched Florence as a performer to look at what she does when performing, how she moves etc. I also watched all of her music videos to see what they include.

Bird Song

After settling on Florence and the Machine as an artist I chose a track on her album 'Lungs' called 'Bird Song.'
I have included a video of it from Youtube and lyrics.

Well I didn't tell anyone but a bird flew by,
Saw what i'd done it set up a nest outside.
And he sang about what i'd become,
He sang so loud, sang so clear,
I was afraid all the neighbours would hear,
So i invited him in, to reason with him,
I promised i wouldn't do it again.

But he sang louder and louder inside the house
And now i couldn't get him out
So I trapped him under a cardboard box
And stood on it to make him stop
I picked up the bird and above the dim I said
"That's the last song you'll ever sing"
Held him down, broke his neck
Taught him a lesson he wouldn't forget

But in my dreams began to creepthat old familiar
tweet tweet tweet
I opened my mouth to scream and shout
I waved my arms and flapped about
But I couldn't scream and I couldn't shout
I couldn't scream and I couldn't shout
I waved my arms and flapped about
But I couldn't scream and I couldn't shout

Cause the song was coming from my mouth
I opened my mouth to scream and shout
I waved my arms and flapped about
But i couldn't scream I couldn't shout
The song was coming from my mouth

From my mouth
From my mouth
From my mouth
From my mouth
From my mouth
From my mouth
From my mouth

The song was coming from my mouth.